Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is scheduled to meet no less than twice a year and, if required, meetings can also be attended by the Property Advisor, the company secretary and the external auditor. The external auditor is not present when their performance and/or remuneration is discussed.

Its members are Jonathon Thompson (Chair), Isabel Robins and Steven Wilderspin.

Please click here for the terms of reference for the audit committee

Risk Committee

The Risk Committee is comprised of independent Non-executive Directors and meets no less than twice a year and, if required, meetings can also be attended by the Property Advisor. As detailed above, Robert Hingley and Quentin Spicer stepped down from the committee on 29 October 2019. The Risk Committee is responsible for advising the Board on the Company’s overall risk appetite, tolerance and strategy. The Risk Committee oversees and advises the Board on the current risk assessment processes, ensuring that both qualitative and quantitative metrics are used.

The Committee reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of the Group’s (and its service providers’) internal financial controls and internal control and risk management systems and reviews and approves the statements to be included in the Annual Report concerning internal controls and risk management.

During the year, the Committee reviewed reports from the Company’s service providers in respect of their policies on the prevention of market abuse, cyber-crime, anti-bribery, whistleblowing and their compliance with the Criminal Finances Act 2017.

The Committee is also responsible for oversight and advice to the Board on the current risk exposures and future risk strategy of the Group.

The Committee carried out a robust assessment of the principal and emerging risks facing the Group, including those that would threaten its business model, future performance, solvency or liquidity. The result of this review, the potential impact of each type of risk identified and the mitigants put in place are set out in the ‘Principal Risks and Uncertainties’ section.

The committee also reviewed the appropriateness of risk-related matters in the annual report and financial statements.

Its members are Antonia Burgess (Chair), Jonathan Thompson, Isabel Robins and Steven Wilderspin.

Please click here for the terms of reference for the this committee.

Property Valuation Committee

The Property Valuation Committee is responsible for reviewing the property valuations prepared by the Valuation Agent and any further matters relating to the valuation of the Portfolio. The Property Valuation Committee met four times during the year with the Valuation Agent and the Property Advisor in attendance to review the outcomes of the valuation process throughout the year and discuss:

  • the valuation methodology;
  • the sociodemographic and residential market overview; and
  • the detail of each semi-annual valuation.

The Committee reported to the Board its findings on the property valuation and the Committee was satisfied with the independent valuation report and values associated with all properties of the Group.

Its members are Isabel Robins (Chair), Antonia Burgess and Jonathan Thompson.

Please click here for the terms of reference for the this committee

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee is responsible for a number of matters pertaining to the structure, size and composition of the Board, succession planning in respect of Board members and performance evaluation of the Board, its Committees and Board members.

Its members are Robert Hingley (Chair), Antonia Burgess and Isabel Robins. 

Please click here for the terms of reference for the this committee.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee is responsible for determining the Company’s remuneration policy and using this, together with the Company’s articles of association, to set the remuneration of non-executive directors.

Its members are Antonia Burgess (Chair), Jonathan Thompson and Steven Wilderspin.

Please click here for the terms of reference for the this committee.

Environmental, Social and Governance Committee

The Environmental, Social and Governance Committee meets no less than twice a year. It is responsible for approving a strategy for discharging the Company’s corporate and social responsibilities (CSR), overseeing the creation of appropriate policies and supporting measures along with monitoring compliance with such policies. The Committee also ensures that the policies are regularly reviewed and updated in line with national and international regulations.

The Environmental, Social and Governance Committee has responsibility for deciding upon which environmental guidelines to follow and report against, with the Audit Committee overseeing how this is reported upon in the annual report and financial statements.

ESG consultant Leslye Jourdan took over from independent CSR consultant Good Values Limited in January 2023 to support the Company in implementing its ESG policy and strategy.  Ms. Jourdan has been Head of ESG at QSix since December 2020, during which time she provided support to Good Values in its CSR work for QSix and for PSD.  Further details on the Company’s CSR policy and strategy can be found in the corporate responsibility section.

Its members are Isabel Robins (Chair), Antonia Burgess and Steven Wilderspin.

Please click here for the terms of reference for this committee

Market Abuse Regulation Committee

The Market Abuse Regulation Committee was established to assist the Board in identifying inside information when it arises, understanding the Company’s obligations in respect of such inside information, and understanding the record-keeping and notification obligations of the Company in respect of inside information.

Any two board members

Please click here for the terms of reference for the this committee